198 resultados para Rhizoctonia solan


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 was isolated from wilting and dying plants of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium), which is currently being assessed in eastern and southern Australia for its potential as a pasture and forage legume. Infected plants in the field had extensive rotting of the taproot, lateral roots and crown. Koch's postulates were fulfilled using three inoculation methods. The disease may pose a considerable threat to the potential use of H. coronarium in the dryland, grazing farming systems of Australia, with resistance offering the most viable option for minimising its impact.


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Rhizoctonia solani is a soil inhabiting basidiomycetous fungus able to induce a wide range of symptoms in many plant species. This genetically complex species is divided to 13 anastomosis groups (AG), of which AG-3 is specialized to infect potato. However, also a few other AGs are able to infect or live in close contact with potato. On potato, R. solani infection causes two main types of diseases including stem canker observed as a dark brown lesions on developing stems and stolons, and black scurf that develops on new tubers close to the time of harvest. These disease symptoms are collectively called a ‘Rhizoctonia disease complex’. Between the growing seasons R. solani survives in soil and plant debri as sclerotia or as the sclerotia called black scurf on potato tubers which when used as seed offer the main route for dispersal of the fungus to new areas. The reasons for the dominance of AG-3 on potato seem to be attributable to its highly specialization to potato and its ability to infect and form sclerotia efficiently at low temperatures. In this study, a large nationwide survey of R. solani isolates was made in potato crops in Finland. Almost all characterized isolates belonged to AG-3. Additionally, three other AGs (AG-2-1, AG-4 and AG-5) were found associated with symptoms on potato plants but they were weaker pathogens on potato than AG-3 as less prone to form black scurf. According to phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed sequences (ITS) of the ribosomal RNA genes the Finnish AG-3 isolates are closely related to each other even though a wide variation of physiological features was observed between them. Detailed analysis of the ITS regions revealed single nucleotide polymorphism in 14 nucleotide positions of ITS-1 and ITS-2. Additionally, compensatory base changes on ITS-2 were detected which suggests that potato-infecting R. solani AG-3 could be considered as a separate species instead of an AG of R. solani. For the first time, molecular defence responses were studied and detected during the early phases of interaction between R. solani AG-3 and potato. Extensive systemic signalling for defence exploiting several known defence pathways was activated as soon as R. solani came into close contact with the base of a sprout. The defence response was strong enough to protect vulnerable sprout tips from new attacks by the pathogen. These results at least partly explain why potato emergence is eventually successful even under heavy infection pressure by R. solani.


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Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC was purified to homogeneity from the acetone-dried powders of the mycelial felts of the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. 2. A useful modification in protamine sulphate treatment to get substantial purification of the enzyme in a single-step is described. 3. The purified enzyme shows bisubstrate activity towards L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine. 4. It is sensitive to carbonyl reagents and the inhibition is not reversed by gel filtration. 5. The molecular weight of the enzyme as determined by Sephadex G-200 chromatography and sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation is around 330000. 6. The enzyme is made up of two pairs of unidentical subunits, with a molecular weight of 70000 (alpha) and 90000 (beta) respectively. 7. Studies on initial velocity versus substrate concentration have shown significant deviations from Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 8. The double-reciprocal plots are biphasic (concave downwards) and Hofstee plots show a curvilinear pattern. 9. The apparent Km value increases from 0.18 mM to as high as 5.0 mM with the increase in the concentration of the substrate and during this process the Vmax, increases by 2-2.5-fold. 10. The value of Hill coefficient is 0.5. 11. Steady-state rates of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase reaction in the presence of inhibitors like D-phenylalanine, cinnamic, p-coumaric, caffeic, dihydrocaffeic and phenylpyruvic acid have shown that only one molecule of each type of inhibitor binds to a molecule of the enzyme. These observations suggest the involvement of negative homotropic interactions in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. 12. The enzyme could not be desensitized by treatment with HgCl2, p-chloromercuribenzoic acid or by repeated freezing and thawing.


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Rhizoctonia spp. are ubiquitous soil inhabiting fungi that enter into pathogenic or symbiotic associations with plants. In general Rhizoctonia spp. are regarded as plant pathogenic fungi and many cause root rot and other plant diseases which results in considerable economic losses both in agriculture and forestry. Many Rhizoctonia strains enter into symbiotic mycorrhizal associations with orchids and some hypovirulent strains are promising biocontrol candidates in preventing host plant infection by pathogenic Rhizoctonia strains. This work focuses on uni- and binucleate Rhizoctonia (respectively UNR and BNR) strains belonging to the teleomorphic genus Ceratobasidium, but multinucleate Rhizoctonia (MNR) belonging to teleomorphic genus Thanatephorus and ectomycorrhizal fungal species, such as Suillus bovinus, were also included in DNA probe development work. Strain specific probes were developed to target rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) and applied in Southern dot blot and liquid hybridization assays. Liquid hybridization was more sensitive and the size of the hybridized PCR products could be detected simultaneously, but the advantage in Southern hybridization was that sample DNA could be used without additional PCR amplification. The impacts of four Finnish BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strains 251, 266, 268 and 269 were investigated on Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedling growth, and the infection biology and infection levels were microscopically examined following tryphan blue staining of infected roots. All BNR strains enhanced early seedling growth and affected the root architecture, while the infection levels remained low. The fungal infection was restricted to the outer cortical regions of long roots and typical monilioid cells detected with strain 268. The interactions of pathogenic UNR Ceratobasidium bicorne strain 1983-111/1N, and endophytic BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strain 268 were studied in single or dual inoculated Scots pine roots. The fungal infection levels and host defence-gene activity of nine transcripts [phenylalanine ammonia lyase (pal1), silbene synthase (STS), chalcone synthase (CHS), short-root specific peroxidase (Psyp1), antimicrobial peptide gene (Sp-AMP), rapidly elicited defence-related gene (PsACRE), germin-like protein (PsGER1), CuZn- superoxide dismutase (SOD), and dehydrin-like protein (dhy-like)] were measured from differentially treated and un-treated control roots by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The infection level of pathogenic UNR was restricted in BNR- pre-inoculated Scots pine roots, while UNR was more competitive in simultaneous dual infection. The STS transcript was highly up-regulated in all treated roots, while CHS, pal1, and Psyp1 transcripts were more moderately activated. No significant activity of Sp-AMP, PsACRE, PsGER1, SOD, or dhy-like transcripts were detected compared to control roots. The integrated experiments presented, provide tools to assist in the future detection of these fungi in the environment and to understand the host infection biology and defence, and relationships between these interacting fungi in roots and soils. This study further confirms the complexity of the Rhizoctonia group both phylogenetically and in their infection biology and plant host specificity. The knowledge obtained could be applied in integrated forestry nursery management programmes.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar la reacción de tres variedades de café (Coffea arabíca L.); Caturra Rojo, Catuaí Amarillo y Pacamara y dos lineas de Catimor (T-8667 y T-5175) al ataque de Rhízoctonía solani Kühn, fueron realizados experimentos en semillero y vivero, durante mayo de 1994 a enero de 1995, en las áreas del Centro Experimental de Café del Norte-UNICAFE. En semillero, se estudio el efecto de los substratos suelo y arena, además fueron evaluadas las variables: emergencia, índice de severidad y peso seco. En vivero se estudiaron los substratos suelo y suelo + pulpa en proporción 7:3, evaluandose incidencia, índice de severidad, altura, número de hojas y el peso seco. Los resultados mostraron que el Catimor T-5175 presentó resistencia horizontal tanto en semillero como en vivero, mientras Catuaí Amarillo fue altamente susceptible en semillero y vivero. Las variedades Caturra Rojo, Pacamara y Catimor T-8667 fueron susceptibles al patógeno. En semillero, la enfermedad se desarrolló con la misma intensidad tanto en suelo como arena. En Catuaí Amarillo, la pulpa de café disminuyó el crecimiento de la enfermedad, alcanzando la máxima incidencia a los 91 días después del transplante, mientras que en suelo a los 63 días después del trasplante.


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El presente ensayo se estableció con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de 5 tratamientos (4 tratamientos químicos y un testigo absoluto) sobre el control del Añublo de la vaina bongo (Rhizoctonia Solani K.) en el cultivo del arroz ( Oryza sativa L. ) variedad Altamira 9, bajo las condiciones ecológicas de la finca Las Vegas, ubicada en el Valle de Sébaco. El ensayo se estableció en la época de postrera de 1995 (5 de Agosto hasta el 5 de Noviembre), utilizando un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con 5 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron: Incidencia del hongo a los 60, 80 y 120 DDG; altura relativa de la lesión a los 60, 80 y 120 DDG; altura de la planta al momento de la cosecha; manchado de grano; peso mil granos expresado en gramos y rendimiento expresado en kg/ha.; de las variables evaluadas, solamente la incidencia del hongo y el rendimiento presentaron diferencias significativas. De los 4 tratamientos químicos evaluados, el que controló mejor la enfermedad fue el tratamiento 1 a base de Propiconazol aplicado en un solo momento ( 70 DDG) en dosis de 0.427ltlba.. Así mismo., el Análisis Económico determino que este tratamiento presento la mejor rentabilidad


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Se condujo un experimento durante el período de mayo a octubre de 1995, en las instalaciones del Centro Experimental del Café del Norte. (CECN- UNICAFE), Matagalpa -Nicaragua, con el objetivo de evaluar a nivel de semilleros de café (Cojfea arabica L.), dos métodos fisicos de desinfección de suelo (solarización y agua caliente), seis productos químicos desinfectantes de suelo, de los cuales cuatro son fungicidas (PCNB, clorotalonil, óxido de cobre y carboxin + captan), dos biocidas (dazornet y metarn sodio) y un testigo sin aplicación, establecidos en dos tipos de substratos (suelo y arena), para prevenir ataques de Rhizoctonia solani Külm. Los tratamientos fueron arreglados en bloques con cinco repeticiones donde se evaluaron las variables emergencia, incidencia e índice de severidad de la enfermedad y fitotoxicidad. El análisis de varianza (P = 0.05) no detectó diferencias significativas para estas variables excepto para la emergencia en substrato suelo siendo los mejores tratamientos agua caliente, dazomet y testigo según Tukey al 5 %. Se detectaron diferencias significativas en la interacción substrato * tratamiento para la variable emergencia; sin embargo Tukey al 5 % no detecta diferencias significativas. Se encontró diferencias significativas entre substratos, presentándose el mayor número de plántulas emergidas y los menores índices de incidencia y severidad de la enfermedad en los semilleros establecidos en substrato suelo (P = 0.05). El análisis económico de presupuesto parcial demostró que los tratamientos que presentaron el menor costo variable y mayor ingreso neto fueron el testigo seguido del óxido de cobre en ambos sustratos, donde el análisis de dominancia demuestra que el testigo domina a los demás tratamientos


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Este experimento fue conducido en La Compañía, Estación Experimental del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias (ISCA), ubicado en el departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua, Fue realizado en época de primera (junio a septiembre), 1987), con los siguientes objetivos: Determinar la dosis más adecuada de PCNB contra R solani en frijol. Evaluar el efecto de la mezcla de PCNB + Metalaxyl sobre el rendimiento del frijol. Determinar el porcentaje de pérdidas causadas por R. Solani en frijol. Seleccionar la mejor variedad de frijol en este experimento. Los resultados mostraron que la dosis de 6.81kg/ha de PCNB fue la mejor produciendo un rendimiento de 3. % más que el control y un 12% más que la mayor dosis de PCNB usada (11.36 kg/ha) la variedad Revolución 84 produjo el más alto rendimiento.